SCBC Wins National Award for Fundraising Impact Through Technology

FIA Winners Seal 2022
“We are proud to announce that Small Change Big Change has won the national award for Fundraising Impact through Technology sponsored by at the Fundraising Institute of Australia 2022 Awards”.

SCBC Wins National Award for Fundraising Impact Through Technology

We are proud to announce that Small Change Big Change has won the national award for Fundraising Impact through Technology sponsored by at the Fundraising Institute of Australia 2022 Awards.

We are so thrilled to be recognised for our unique position collaborating with our passionate Telco Members utilising on-bill technologies in creative and meaningful ways. 

We’d like to thank our current active members; Commander, Aussie Broadband, More Telecom and Ignite for their direct enabling of building resilient young Australians through use of our platform Small Change Big Change. Together we look forward to continuing the Small Change Big Change momentum in driving mental health wellbeing, positive sense of self and connection beyond connectivity in our young Australians. We feel so empowered to continue our work with more like-minded businesses to bolster our collective positive impact in the world and encourage everyone to get involved today!

Join us in celebrating our team, fellow nominees, and award winners in our collective efforts in the infinitely essential Fundraising space and thanks again Fundraising Institute of Australia for an inspirational and truly memorable evening.

SCBC Wins FIA Award

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SCBC Wins National Award for Fundraising Impact Through Technology